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Monday, July 11, 2016

My Weekend On The Town

So this weekend, like many weekends found me out on the town living it up! Dressed in heels with pearls in my ears being ushered into fabulous establishments with glasses clinking and sparkling conversation. 

As if....

Not even.....


Don't you just love old keys? This pile was a steal at a fun house this weekend! Pin for a great background image!

This weekend found me frantically driving from garage sale to estate sale to backyard hoard. All in 110 degree weather. In the Camry....

Anyone else get all dolled up for junking? Me neither...this is as good as it gets in 110 degree weather!
Note my fancy getup. Sexy right?

I know...I know...it's what I do, right? But this time the stakes were a little higher. I have a booth to fill at Junk In The Trunk Vintage Market in San Diego this weekend and not much time to do it. 

Now you know I nearly ran across the yard to dive for this ball jar! They aren't easy to find here, but what about the rusty metal gears and the watering can?
Anyone love gears? Wait til you see what I do with these!!
Who doesn't love rusty toolboxes and sap cans?
Toolboxes! Don't mind if I do!
I just love these screens with old barn wood for hanging jewelry or keys or to use for a wedding or party place cards
Can you guess what I'll do with that window? See HERE for a clue!
Now I ask myself...Self? Don't you have a garage full and a side yard full and an office full of wonderful projects in the making? So I answered myself...Self...Yes I do, but you don't get it! Those things either:

1) require too much work
2) don't "go" with my look
3) won't fit into the tetris I have planned for packing

So I find myself out on the town. 

Wearing my grubbies and packing gloves. 



And packing it all into a Camry

Thanks to all of those whose path I crossed this weekend. Had a blast!

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