Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Day 29 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge-A Confession

A Confession

Gosh I have such a boring life...I'm not sure I have anything juicy to confess. Pretty much anything that would come out as a confession to me, you would probably already know....

Example: I confess that I may have some control issues and you would reply "Duh". 

Example: I confess that I may be a hoarder to some degree and you would reply "Have you looked in your garage"?

Example: I confess that I can't stay out of the ice cream and that a 1200 calorie smoothie seems like a healthy snack and you would reply "Have you looked in a mirror"?

Get the idea? 

I'm not very good at hiding anything. Secrets included by the way. I'm just an open book. I wear my emotions on my face, my heart on my sleeve, and my caloric intake on my a$$!

But here is what I'll give you...access to the crazy...and the inside...of my office. And I realize it's a little scary, but there it is. They say that a messy office is the sign of a creative mind, right? 

I can relate to a messy office as a painter! A messy office is the sign of a creative mind!
Photo via weeks and weeks of not organizing my office or painting enough furniture
They say that admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery. 

I, Jenifer Robb, confess that I am a furniture hoarder and a train wreck when it comes to organizational skills in my office. The fact that I have roughly 10 pieces of furniture to be painted and an entire closet full of glass stock to be sold is only a justification and I need to get off my aforementioned big a$$ and clean this place up!

How your office looks when you paint furniture for a living.
Photo via denial

Maybe someday I'll post a photo of my office all cute and functional like the other blog girls....dang it....hold your breath....Don't judge...this could be you.

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