Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Day 19 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge-My Favorite Movie

My Favorite Movie

Ooooh...!!!! So hard! I can't do it! That's impossible! One movie? Just one? Not a list sorted alphabetically, by genre, and year released? Not divided into phases of my life? That's not even fair! You might as well ask for my favorite child. That would be easier and less heart-wrenching! Just one? Are you sure? In the words of Bill the Cat from Bloom County Aaacccckkk!!!

Before I narrow all my movie loves into just one I must make some official notifications:

  1. I am not a cinema critic
  2. I don't call movies "the cinema" or "films"
  3. I don't even really have good taste in movies
  4. I thoroughly enjoy the occasional episode of "The Real Housewives of Orange County" and/or "The Bachelorette" 
  5. I have a strange sense of humor
  6. I'm a little "dark" but I don't like "Film Noir" (see #2-I don't call movies "films")
  7. I have a very short attention span
  8. I prefer movies that I can get up and do the dishes or dust the sideboard when the plot gets a little slow 

So here goes nothing....
Drum roll please....
My favorite movie is "The Nightmare Before Christmas" by Tim Burton


I love Tim Burton and his quirky sense of humor

**My daughter (the one that says she's the favorite) calls me out that I almost forgot the brilliant Danny Elfman score) It also stands up to a 2008 remake called Nightmare Revisited. Excellent score. 
It's dark and funny at the same time
I love me some Jack Skellington 

I've you've never seen the must you must you is the trailer!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post "What Makes Me Happy"

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